Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Chota is a public institution destined to impart higher education, promote the study of the national reality, scientific research, the dissemination of knowledge and culture, extension and social projection to contribute to local, regional and national development.
It was created by Law No. 29531, published on May 11, 2010, it is a non-profit public law legal person, with academic, economic, regulatory and administrative autonomy in accordance with the Law. It is identified with its acronym UNACH for everyone the legal and official effects of the institution.
It has its headquarters and domicile in the province of Chota, Cajamarca region, its two University Campuses are currently in operation in Colpa Matara and Colpa Huacaris, both with their respective Master Plan of extension and infrastructure, we are governed by the political constitution of Peru, by University Law N ° 30220, by the Law of its creation N ° 29531 and by Resolution N ° 160-SUNEDU-2018 / CD dated December 8, 2018 that grants the license for a period of six (6) years since the publication of the same.