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“Nothing without us”: why young people with disabilities need a say in their future at the Summit of the Future – ECOSOC Youth Forum 2024

18 April 2024 hora: 7:30 am - 8:45 am

In the framework of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum 2024, interested parties are invited to the side event Nothing without us”: why young people with disabilities need a say in their future at the Summit of the Future, organized by Sightsavers (Equal World campaign), Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities, and International Disability Alliance, supported by the International Paralympic Committee (WeThe15 campaign), UNESCO IESALC, Major Group for Children and Young People, UN Foundation , co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Ghana and the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom. It will take place on Thursday 18 April 2024, 7:30 – 8:45 am EDT online on zoom.  

The event will address the sustainable development goals (SDGs) 16 and 17, which are under review at the High-Level Political Forum in 2024. SDG 16 emphasizes the importance of creating inclusive societies that accommodate people with disabilities, particularly young individuals, for sustainable development. Additionally, SDG 17 focuses on enhancing the means of implementation and strengthening global partnerships for sustainable development. 

The event’s objectives are to focus on ensuring the inclusion of youth with disabilities in discussions and decision-making processes. It also aims to highlight the efforts of youth movements in promoting the engagement of young people with disabilities in the SoTF and beyond. Additionally, it seeks to explore recommended actions to ensure the active participation of young individuals with disabilities in shaping their future.


  • Felipe Paullier, Assistant Secretary General for Youth Affairs
  • Husnah Kukundakwe, Uganda Paralympic swimmer, Youngest Athlete at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and International Paralympic Committee Youth Ambassador
  • Tapiwa Mutsikira, Youth Representative, Equal Zimbabwe, Sightsavers 
  • Bosen Lily Liu, Head of Partnership and UN Liaison Unit, UNESCO IESALC
  • Sylvain Obedi, Youth Fellow, International Disability Alliance
  • Mulenzi Tonny, Research Intern at Makerere University Child Health and Development Center, Kampala 
  • Isidora Uribe Silva, Youth Leader for the SDGs, UN Youth Office
  • Abia Akram, Global Campaign Ambassador, Sightsavers Equal World campaign 


Lydia Vlagsma, Youth representative for the Stakeholder Group on Persons with Disabilities, European Disability Forum, International Disability Alliance Youth Committee member  


For online participation via zoom register here 

Download Concept Note






18 April 2024
7:30 am - 8:45 am