
UNESCO General Conference

The UNESCO General Conference, held in Paris from November 9 to 24, will celebrate the Organization's 75th anniversary. Its 193 Member States will make a number of important decisions, particularly in relation to cultural policies and heritage protection, the future of education, and the place and ethics of science and technology in our societies. On November 12, starting at 3:30 p.m., an exceptional ceremony will be organized and broadcast live from UNESCO Headquarters in Paris to celebrate the 75th anniversary of UNESCO. Numerous heads of state and government and several internationally renowned artists will participate. The General Conference will proceed […]

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I International Academic Congress (CAI): Innovative educational proposals in virtual and semi-face-to-face modalities | Panama

The "I International Academic Congress (CAI): Innovative educational proposals in virtual and semi-face-to-face modalities" will take place on November 15, 16 and 17, 2021. It is an event organized by the Academic Vice-Rectory of the Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, Panama in collaboration with UNESCO IESALC and the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Funiber). CAI thematic axes are: Active methodology in the classroom, Teaching strategies, Assessment of learning, Pedagogy and the academic curriculum. Quality assurance in the teaching-learning processes. Yuma Inzolia, Carme Hernández-Escolano and María Toro-Troconis participate on behalf of UNESCO IESALC. The initiative also counts on the participation of Olda Cano, academic vice-rector of […]

WAHED | Panel Discussion: Flexible Learning Pathways in a post-pandemic context- Insight on case studies from Chile, South Africa and Finland

Since 2018 over 300 organisations from over 50 countries have participated in the World Access to Higher Education Day (WAHED) delivering events and activities and engaging in research project that can make a tangible difference to equitable access and success in higher education across the world. In 2021 the 4th World Access to Higher Education Day (WAHED) will take place on November 17th.  WAHED 2021: Who will be going to university in 2030? will focus on how we can ensure that equitable access and success is a priority for universities and governments as we learn to live with the ongoing […]