
UNESCO General Conference

The UNESCO General Conference, held in Paris from November 9 to 24, will celebrate the Organization's 75th anniversary. Its 193 Member States will make a number of important decisions, particularly in relation to cultural policies and heritage protection, the future of education, and the place and ethics of science and technology in our societies. On November 12, starting at 3:30 p.m., an exceptional ceremony will be organized and broadcast live from UNESCO Headquarters in Paris to celebrate the 75th anniversary of UNESCO. Numerous heads of state and government and several internationally renowned artists will participate. The General Conference will proceed […]

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Racism in the Academy: Global perspectives on multiple forms of racism and struggles for equity

Racism in the Academy: Global perspectives on multiple forms of racism and struggles for equity is the webinar to be hosted by the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, (IESALC), the University of Bath, UK, and the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Argentina, on November 18, 2021. Connection data 10.00 am - 11.30 am  (h. Caracas) | 11.00 am -12.30 pm (h. Buenos Aires) | 14.00 pm - 15.30 pm (h. London) Zoom webinar | Register at The event will be in English with simultaneous translation to Spanish About the webinar […]

II Ibero-American Congress on Education for Sustainability in Higher Education | Chili

From November 16 to 18, 2021, the Red Campus Sustentable de Chile and the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana will take place, with the collaboration of the Universidad Católica de Temuco and the ENAC, the II Ibero-American Congress on Education for Sustainability in Higher Education, under the theme: Sustainability in the Curriculum. The event aims to review progress regarding the inclusion of sustainability in the curriculum. On November 18, at 5:30 p.m. (Chile time) will be held the high-level forum called: Challenges of Education for Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions, in which Yuma Inzolia, Academic Coordinator of UNESCO IESALC, will participate. More […]