
UNESCO General Conference

The UNESCO General Conference, held in Paris from November 9 to 24, will celebrate the Organization's 75th anniversary. Its 193 Member States will make a number of important decisions, particularly in relation to cultural policies and heritage protection, the future of education, and the place and ethics of science and technology in our societies. On November 12, starting at 3:30 p.m., an exceptional ceremony will be organized and broadcast live from UNESCO Headquarters in Paris to celebrate the 75th anniversary of UNESCO. Numerous heads of state and government and several internationally renowned artists will participate. The General Conference will proceed […]

XXXI International Congress on educational credit | Colombia

The Asociación Panamericana de Instituciones de Crédito Educativo (ÁPICE) invites you to participate in the XXXI International Congress on educational credit: New opportunities for higher education, educational credit and job placement, before the challenges generated by the pandemic from November 22 to 24 2021, between 9:00 am and 12:30 p.m. (Colombia time). Celebrating 52 years of work, ÁPICE has decided to convene this meeting with the support of the UNESCO Participation Program, whose objective is to present the new trends that guide the development on higher education, educational credit and job placement, before the challenges generated by the pandemic. On […]

University Autonomy Forum in the light of the 3rd UNESCO World Higher Education Conference | Mexico

Within the framework of the UNESCO IESALC call regarding the Latin America and Caribbean Consultation for the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference 2022, the National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions (ANUIES) and KAIRÓS, a team for social and sustainable educational transformation, organize the University Autonomy Forum in the light of the 3rd UNESCO World Higher Education Conference, with the purpose of paving the way related to the governance of higher education. UNESCO IESALC director, Francesc Pedró, will participate as a special guest with an opening message in this consultation event that brings together representatives and specialists from organizations […]