Thematic forum on trends, opportunities and challenges of higher education in the present and future context

Within the framework of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Santo Domingo Technological Institute (Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo-INTEC) and the approval of its new strategic plan, INTEC will hold a series of thematic forums to feed strategic thinking, especially in the identification of trends, opportunities and challenges of universities and higher education institutions in the present and future context. UNESCO IESALC 's junior policy analyst Eglis Chacón will discuss the futures of higher education, based on the institute's published report: Thinking Higher and Beyond: Perspectives on the futures of higher education to 2050, on Wednesday December 15, […]

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Webinar: Governance in higher education | 3rd UNESCO World Higher Education Conference

As part of the events prior to the 3rd UNESCO World Higher Education Conference that will take place in Barcelona from May 18 to 20, 2022, UNESCO IESALC will carry out a consultation for Latin America and the Caribbean that will collect the voices of the different groups of interest related to higher education (HEI leaders, academics, students, governments, rectors’ conferences, university associations/networks, employers, multilateral organizations, etc.) on ten key issues for higher education. For the consultation, UNESCO IESALC will carry out ten webinars between October 2021 and February 2022. Its themes will revolve around the ten key issues that the World […]