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Webinar to launch the report: Moving minds: Opportunities and challenges for virtual student mobility in a post-pandemic world

Date and time: Monday 28 February 2022, 10:00 – 11:30 (UTC -4, Caracas) Format: Zoom webinar. Open to all; prior registration is required. https://unesco-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Oc4O7S_UTWWh4m-ptqqHxA Languages: English/Spanish/International sign language, with simultaneous interpretation   Webinar objectives This webinar is being organized to launch a major new UNESCO IESALC report on the future of student mobility. The report lays out how the incredible creativity and innovation that has been shown in higher education during the pandemic to ensure students can continue to benefit from cross-cultural exchange using technology could be harnessed and further developed so that student mobility becomes possible not only physically […]