Leadership, Management and Training Program for Sustainable Higher Education

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Target audience
Senior managers from higher education institutions, such as rectors, vice-chancellors, directors, deans and steering committees 


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Depending on each path 

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Virtual modality with synchronous activities and technical assistance. Technical assistance is provided in group face-to-face sessions and as part of the work for the Implementation Plan

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The modules are certified independently and according to predefined itineraries 


The Leadership, Management and Training Program for Sustainable Higher Education is a joint design between UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) and Laspau, a non-profit organization affiliated with Harvard University. Its main purpose is to build capacities in the heart of institutions to support their sustainable transformation process. To this end, both organizations generate joint synergies, putting their knowledge and international networks at the service of HEIs to develop and strengthen the urgent challenges towards sustainability and quality education for all. 

The proposal has three fundamental elements: capacity building through training, technical assistance to support implementation and the creation of networks and alliances. For training, a modular logic is offered that can be articulated with each other, with the purpose of providing flexibility and the possibility of different certifications and learning itineraries, hand in hand with an integrative project, through technical assistance to support the implementation of sustainability in higher education institutions, through personalized accompaniment and on-site facilitation. 

The program reflects the characteristics of higher education institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, considering the contexts, challenges and opportunities towards a quality and sustainable education. For its construction, the proposal considered the experiences of the 110 universities best positioned in the Shanghai 2021 ranking, 30 successful practices in universities in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the lessons learned by UNESCO IESALC and Laspau. 



To build capacity in higher education institutions through a flexible multidisciplinary program, of high international standard and relevant to Latin America and the Caribbean, on leadership, management and training in sustainable education, based on the SDGs, good practices and available evidence. 

To this end, the initiative focuses on the following lines of work: 

    Management and Leadership
    Learning Environment and Campus 
    University Education and Professional Technique 
    Environmental Linkage 
    Curriculum Design, Teaching and Sustainable Learning 



The program includes 14 courses that can be implemented and recognized individually or connected to obtain the corresponding certification. 

In addition, it is considered mandatory to obtain some of the certificates, the approval of two final workshops such as: Sustainable Projects with Agile Methodologies and Effective Communication for Sustainability. 

Course 1. SDGs as articulating axes of higher education. 

Objectives: Linking SDGs to challenges and opportunities in the various dimensions of action of higher education institutions. 

Duration: 20 hours 

Tópicos clave:

    Higher education for sustainability: guidelines and criteria. 
    SDGs, goals and their implications for higher education. 
    Forming the sustainable local and global citizen. 

Course 2. Sustainable digital transformation 

Objectives: Analyze the implications of digital transformation from the perspective of sustainability and cultural change of institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

Duration: 30 hours 

Key topics: 

    Digital transformation, reuse and look 3.0. 
    From adoption to transformation: criteria for progress. 
    Cultural change and sustainable digital transformation. 

Course 3. Criteria and tools for sustainable institutional management

Objectives: Apply the criteria and tools to sustainably manage institutions in challenging contexts. 

Duration: 40 hours 


Key topics:

    Institutional management from a sustainable perspective.
    Criteria for management decision-making. 
    Tools and open resources to support management and decision making. 

Course 4. Innovative and sustainable teaching and learning processes

Objectives: Implement teaching and learning experiences in higher education, considering the SDGs in a direct and transversal way. 

Duration: 50 hours 

Key topics:

    What the current evidence says about teaching and learning in higher education. 
    Criteria and recommendations for integrating the SDGs into the teaching and learning process. 
    Active methodologies to promote the SDGs. 
    Classroom management, motivation and engagement. 

Course 5. Sustainable higher education and its link with the territory and society. 

Objectives: Visualize the institution’s relationship with the environment and the teaching and learning processes from the perspective of sustainability 

Duration: 30 hours 

Key topics: 

    Criteria for linking with the environment from the perspective of sustainability. 
    Successful cases and experiences of sustainable linkages. 
    Recommendations for the sustainable development of the linkage. 

Course 6. Development of learning and competencies for sustainability 

Objectives: Recognize the different competency frameworks for sustainability and their application in the Latin American context. 

Duration: 30 hours 

Key topics: 

    The importance of developing competencies for sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean. 
    Reference frameworks of competencies for sustainability. 
    Adjustment and applicability of competencies for sustainability in educational institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. 
    How to integrate competencies for sustainability in the curriculum and training. 

Course 7. Training with alternation in working and social environments for sustainable training 

Objectives: Design training experiences with work and social alternations, from the approach of sustainability and quality for all. 

Duration: 20 hours 

Tópicos clave:

    Overview for training with alternation in working and social environments. 
    Sustainability in non-formal training environments. 
    Design criteria for dual learning experiences. 

Course 8. Data management and indicators for quality and sustainability in higher education

Objectives: Recognize the criteria and tools for decision making based on indicators that promote quality and sustainability. 

Duration: 30 hours 

Key topics:

    Identification and construction of indicators and criteria for quality and sustainability.
    Comprehensive model for the management of indicators. 
    Criteria for the management of transforming projects based on culture. 

Course 9. Management of transformative and sustainable educational projects 

Objectives: Analyze the keys and implications of the management of transformative and sustainable projects. 

Duration: 30 hours 

Key topics: 

  • Project management and sustainability.

  • Criteria for the management of culture-based transformational projects.

Course 10.  Design  of sustainable educational models

Objectives: Propose designs of sustainable educational models, considering local characteristics, opportunities, and challenges.

Duration: 30 hours

Key topics:

    What are educational models and their link to sustainability. 
    Items of an educational model and current criteria for its design. 
    Levels of implementation or realization of the institutional educational model. 

Course 11. Management and promotion of the sustainable campus 

Objectives: Recognize the implications for the management and implementation of sustainable campuses. 

Duration: 40 hours 

Key topics:

    Criteria and best practices in the implementation of sustainable campuses. 
    Plan and design for the implementation of sustainable campuses. 
    Evaluación y monitoreo de la sostenibilidad.

Course 12. Curriculum design and evaluation from a sustainable competency-based approach in higher education 

Objectives: Apply criteria for competency-oriented curriculum design and evaluation for sustainable higher education. 

Duration: 60 hours 

Key topics:

    Competency-oriented curriculum design from a sustainability approach. 
    Profile of graduates and curriculum.
    Evaluation of the graduate profile. 

Course 13. Workshop on sustainable educational intervention projects with agile methodologies. 

Objectives: Apply agile methodologies for the construction of intervention proposals in educational contexts. 

Duration: 30 hours 

Key topics:

    What are agile methodologies. 
    Types of agile methodologies for the elaboration of intervention proposals. 
    How to decode educational contexts for the elaboration of sustainable intervention proposals. 

Course 14. Workshop on Effective Communication for Sustainability

Objectives: Apply effective communication tools to effectively implement sustainable initiatives and projects. 

Duration: 20 hours 

Key topics:

    The importance of communication for sustainability objectives. 
    Effective communication tools. 

Itineraries with certification 

 Certification CoursesTotal hours
 Sustainable Management and Leadership in Higher Education1-2-3-8-9-10-11-13-14270
 Sustainable Campus Management1-3-9-11-13-14170
 Sustainable Curriculum Design and Management in Higher Education1-4-6-7-12-13-14230
 The relationship between sustainable higher education and the environment 1-3-5-7-13-14160
 Teaching and Learning Sustainably1-4-6-7-13-14120

For further information, please contact: soporte@campusiesalc.org